crustal thickening meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "crustal thickening" in a sentence
  • crustal:    adj. 外壳的〔尤指地球外壳〕。
  • thicken:    vt. 1.使厚;使粗大;使浓;使浊;稠化。 2.使繁茂 ...
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  1. The geochemical signatures show that the volcanic rocks in the jingzhushan formation were formed in the island - arc environment as crustal thickening - melting products in a compressional tectonic setting
  2. In the light of new findings in geological studies and recent development in lithospheric delamination theory and numerical modeling experiments , we have come to the conclusion that the above - mentioned differences are caused by the crustal thickening and oblique collision prior to the hitting of the indian continent toward the eurasian continent

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  6. crustal type in Chinese
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